Get in the habit of protecting yourself!
We are all connected, everything is connected. Every object and every person you see is emitting a certain frequency. Some are higher frequencies, and some are lower. The frequencies can and often do change. Negative energy can attach itself to us in a lot of different ways. Sometimes it happens when we’re in crowds and surrounded by other people’s energy; sometimes it happens from long days at work or disputes with relatives or even strangers at the grocery store or while stuck in frustrating traffic.
It is important to cleanse yourself, ground yourself, and protect yourself from unwanted energies. It is recommended that you get into regular practice of this, once in the morning and once before you go to bed.
Some examples:
Do you feel nervous, anxious, or restless and feel like you can’t focus on anything?
Ø This could be due to your energy points moving too fast and you needing grounding.
Do you sometimes feel as if there is a heavy cloud of negativity around you and you just can’t shake it or put your finger on it?
Ø You could’ve just come out of a crowded place, a meeting, a person, or location where the energy is off or limited. The lower energy may have attached itself to you and you need to cleanse and clear it.
Do you have a wave of negative thoughts about yourself out of nowhere?
Ø This might indicate you have some inner healing to do OR someone may have knowingly or unknowingly psychically attacked you.
There are numerous ways you can protect yourself, but first you should always try and practice the following:
~ Focus on solutions, not problems.
o Don’t use negative emotions as tools for connection.
o Let go of thinking that you know better.
o Look for the beauty.
~ Don’t feed into any drama.
o Stop playing judge.
o Don’t take sides.
o Stop believing others’ beliefs.
o See the innocence in everyone.
~ Set and watch your boundaries.
o Drop the sympathy.
o Do not accept blame.
o Don’t give anyone power over you.
o Say No to people pleasing.
~ Stop trying to fix everything and everyone.
o Let go of responsibility.
o Practice letting go.
~ Respond, don’t react (Observe, don’t absorb)
o Stop reacting to others.
o Don’t play catch; just because someone throws you a dirty rag doesn’t mean you have to catch it.
o Share and project positive energy.
~ Take care of yourself
o Mind your own business.
o Own your energy.
o Get the happy-people high.
o Be kind to yourself.
o Trust your intuition
Carry a variety of stones/crystals with you and/or have them around you. Utilizing crystals for energy protection, you can cleanse and shield your energy from gathering heavy, limiting, harsh, harmful, or just overall unwanted vibes.
The two best crystals/stones to keep by your exterior doors are: Black Tourmaline and Selenite.
Crystals to carry with you or pack in your luggage for safe travels:
Black Tourmaline - Like your own personal bodyguard, this crystal serves as a protective shield. Particularly as you navigate through crowds and congested areas, carry it with you to add a protective boundary between you and any unwanted energy that might surround you.
Moonstone - has long held the reputation as a traveler’s stone because it brightens your spirit and encourages good luck. Moonstone can help to lift your mood whenever you are feeling homesick or fatigued from travel. Keep this crystal packed with your luggage to avoid loss or misplacement.
Angelite – This crystal is used to comfort, support, and reassure. It will keep you calm and protected during periods of panic, stress, turbulence, or fear of flying. It will also help provide patience with delays. Hold this in your hand as a calming stone and take comfort in this portable guardian angel.
Unakite - This stone reminds you to stay present throughout your travels. Instead of letting the past or the future distract you, this crystal helps you live in the now. This stone also helps us let go of negative energy and evens us out during delays or unforeseen obstacles. Carry it to stay grounded, present, and released from things that are out of our control.
Amethyst - Let’s face it – travel can be stressful! Amethyst has a peaceful and relaxing energy that helps you unwind and find your calm no matter where you are or what is going on around you. is one of the best crystals for travel. Known for soothing anxieties and encouraging relaxation, Amethyst urges you to enjoy your adventure. By shielding your spirit from negative energy, Amethyst helps to secure a safe and peaceful journey.
Aquamarine - Helps with fear of flying or traveling over water. This stone has a uniquely powerful effect when paired with water. If you want to attract more travel into your life, especially overseas, wear Aquamarine.
Rhodonite - is the ideal stone for those entering foreign surroundings because it helps to shift your perspective. This way, you can see how your actions are perceived by locals. Make deeper connections with people as you travel and keep yourself energetically protected with the energy of Rhodonite.
Malachite - known as a guardian stone for travelers, works to emphasize the wisdom you need to keep yourself out of danger. If you’re in a negative thought cycle about travel, get a fresh perspective about your trip with Malachite.
Salt is known for its ability to absorb negative energy.
· Add Sea salt or Epsom salt to your bath.
· Black salt – used for protection circles or to line your doors and windows.
· Put a small bowl of Sea salt under your bed to prevent nightmares.
· Pink Himalayan Salt can be used to get rid of heavy energy that’s weighing you down.
You can also put a little bit of any of these salts into a small spray bottle with spring water and spray it around you and/or your home.
Repeating Prayers, Mantras, Positive Affirmations are simple ways to incite protection. As we know, words are powerful and repeating them makes them more powerful. You can say things like:
· I am safe and protected.
· I am surrounded by white protective light.
· I open myself up to only the highest being of love and light.
· My guides and angels are always protecting me.
Or produce your own that resonates with you.
Burn some Sage to clear, cleanse, protect, or remove any negative energies around yourself or your home. This is also known as smudging. If done correctly and respectively, it can be just the right thing to cleanse your space of toxicity, quell anxieties, and soothe your soul.
Studies have shown that sage smoke can have antibacterial properties which can help cleanse the air of bacteria and airborne pathogens. Burning of sage is a sacred ritual and has been used by many cultures and communities, it should always be done with good intention and gratitude.
Some benefits to burning sage/smudging –
1. It can be purifying – it can keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay.
a. White prairie sage is both antimicrobial and antibacterial. White sage (Salvia Apiana) is also antimicrobial. And both have been shown to repel insects.
2. It may help relieve symptoms of some conditions – Burning sage is thought to release negative ions and helps neutralize positive ions such as pent dander, pollution, dust, and mold.
a. Could possibly help those suffering with asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. However, make sure you don’t directly inhale the smoke!
3. Can be a spiritual tool – It can connect us to the spiritual realm, enhance our intuition, help get us into a healing state, or to solve or reflect upon spiritual dilemmas.
4. Helps to dispel negative energy – Can include energies from past traumas, bad experiences, or negative energies from others.
5. Can cleanse or empower specific objects – Can include new purchases, gifts, secondhand items, or antiques. Essentially, any item can be cleansed.
6. May help to improve your mood – Can literally “life your spirits.” In certain cultures, sage is used for treating anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.
7. May help to soothe stress – White sage is rich in compounds that activate certain receptors in the brain. These receptors are responsible for elevating mood levels, reducing stress, and alleviating pain.
8. May improve the quality of your sleep – Safeguards against any negativity that could interfere with your sleep. Classic garden Sage (Salvia officinalis) contains compounds that could help ease insomnia.
9. May help to boost cognition – Can possibly improve your memory and focus.
10. Can create an uplifting fragrance – Sage is a beautiful incense with a divine aroma. It works great as a chemical-free air freshener or odor controller.
a. If you burn sage and another person has a negative reaction to it such as headache, nausea, coughing, etc … that is a clear indicator that that person has some inner healing to do.
b. People with asthma or other respiratory conditions may be more sensitive to the smoke and have adverse reactions. (Remember to ALWAYS leave a window open and proceed with caution and compassion).
What you’ll need:
· A bundle of sage
· A holding vessel to hold the burning sage and capture the ashes. An abalone seashell is often used in some cultures and is a recommended option. Other options are a ceramic or glass bowl.
· Something to light the sage with, a lighter, a candle, matches, etc …
· Something to use to fan the smoke in larger areas, such as a larger feather.
It’s ideal to have good airflow while smudging so it’s probably a good idea to open some windows. The smoke has the opportunity to go out the window, taking anything negative with it.
Steps –
1. Prior to lighting the sage bundle, set your intention. Say a mantra either to yourself or aloud. Saying your mantra aloud will amplify your intention. You can continue to repeat this mantra as you are walking around the space. (Mantra examples below)
2. While holding the sage bundle horizontally, light the end thoroughly until you create a good flame. Gently blow out the flame. You will see illuminated embers and billowing smoke.
3. Begin to walk around your space with the bundle in your bowl. Using the feather, waft the smoke throughout the space.
4. Be sure to get every nook, corners, doorways, etc … Try to remain as present and mindful as you can as you move throughout your space. Smudge your sacred space, meditation space, or alter room last.
a. You can also sage yourself. Open some windows, set your intention, and light the bundle. Holding the sage away from your body at arm’s length, start at your feet and work your way up to your head. Envision the smoke clearing you of any and all lingering negativity.
5. Once you are finished smudging yourself and/or your space, close out the ritual. Say your mantra one last time, end it with saying any of the following three times “And so it is,” “Namaste”, or Thank you.” Firmly swirl the smoking end of the bundle in the bottom of your bowl until all the embers are extinguished and consider the ritual as being done. DO NOT put water on it as the moisture can stay in the bundle and it’ll be much harder to light the next time you use it.
Allow your intuition to identify negative situations and areas that could possibly benefit from smudging.
You can also use different herbs, and woods such as rosemary, juniper, tobacco, sweetgrass, cedar, and palo santo for a less intense and lighter cleanse. There is also sage spray for when you are on the go, traveling, etc ... for use when you are in locations that you aren’t able to burn sage in.
There are no strict rules for how often you could or should smudge. We are our own best guides for when it may be needed for our mind, body, and soul.
Mantra examples for smudging – (use individually or combined, it’s recommended to use a positive mantra after using one to clear negativity)
· I release conditioned patterns and trust the Universe and my intuition to guide me.
· I cleanse my home of any heaviness and negativity.
· I am filled with love, light, and peace.
· I release all energies that do not serve my highest and greatest good.
· I live in harmony of mind, body, and spirit.
· I am grateful for health, abundance, and happiness.
· I release any worry from my body and my home.
· I release any attachment and call-in freedom and peace.
· I choose joy in myself and in my space.
· I call all of my power back to me now.
· I call in protection from negative energy.
Burn some Incense to cleanse and purify yourself. It is recommended that you purchase essential oil infused incense because some can carry artificial perfumes and toxins that can be harmful to your health.
Using Essential Oils for cleansing and protection.
You can dab a few drops of Sandalwood Oil on the back of your neck for protection and cleansing. You can also make a small spray bottle that when used can help release any negative energy that may be attached to your body. Mix water with any of the following oils: Lime, Basil, Bergamot, Lavender, Niaouli, or Myrrh.
The use of Bells/Gongs/Chimes are used in many cultures to help ward off negative energies and spirits. The ringing of bells is also said to help increase your spiritual power as they can help attune you to different frequencies and energy levels. You can also hang bells or chimes by the door to help renew and keep the energy in your space clear.
Using a meditation bell can help clear your room and give you a heightened experience during your meditation session. The sound of the bell marks the start and the end of your session. It is used as an object of focus for concentration and brings ritual and ceremony into your meditation practice.
The sound of the bell is an important part of meditation, as it gives the mind and body Pavlovian type responses to be ready, alert, and relaxed. This helps your mind to change states quickly, from your busy outside life to the calm of your meditation space. A bell is also used to bring people into the present moment. It calls forth the mind into the here and now so you can experience the power of the present moment. If your mind starts to wonder, the bell sound gently brings your mind back to where it’s supposed to be. The bell also signifies uniting harmony of the feminine and masculine, which combined can lead the person meditating to a path of enlightenment and pure wisdom.
Bells/Gongs/Chimes can also clear a space. The vibration causes sound waves specific to that Bell/Gong/Chime, which bring attuned energy into your space. The waves flood through your eardrum, vibrate their beautiful tones through your mind and gently float their energy around your body. (Like throwing a pebble into a smooth lake). The vibrational energy resonates out into the surrounding space, clearing any negative vibration and replacing it with positive bell resonance.
Meditation bells can be used for mindfulness, they are a powerful way to increase concentration, find clarity in your mind and calm your emotions. Allow your attention to step inside the sound and listen to each individual vibration, tone, and resonating quality. Allow yourself to listen to the sounds as it washes over you.
Types of Meditation bells –
1. Tingsha Bells – also known as Tibetan prayer bells are used to awaken awareness and stimulate the healing process. There are wight symbols on the Tingsha bells, each with their own representation, which are:
a. Golden fishes – represent breathing during the meditation practice and freedom.
b. Parasol – represents the protection from harm and sickness.
c. Treasure vase – represents empowerment, health, longevity, and prosperity.
d. Lotus – represents the purity of the body, mind, and speech.
e. Conch shell – represents taking care of yourself and ongoing education.
f. Endless knot – represents your future and how your present decisions will impact your future outcome.
g. Victory banner – represents attaining happiness and overcoming defeat.
h. Dharma wheel – represents the ongoing journey to self-improvement.
2. Modern Meditation Bells – Vary in construction, size, and weight. Most are plain with a wooden handle, some have symbols such as dots, leaves, rings, and stars. It’s important to assess each one to see which is more pleasant to your ears. Usually have a more pure, pleasant, and harmonic sound compared to other bells. These bells differ in pitch, depending on the construction, quality, and the overall weight of the bell.
3. Standing Bells (Inverted Bells) – also known as Nao bells and are used for meditation, chanting, relaxation, and spirituality. They often had inscriptions of goodwill, and symbols such as dots, leaves, rings, and stars. Sounds are produced by either striking or by rubbing a wooden mallet against the rim.
4. Tibetan Prayer Bells – also known as the Buddhist bell is used to represent wisdom and skillfulness, as well as for clearing spaces. The artwork is very symbolic. They vary in quality, size, and material and produce a bright bell sound. However, because these bells are hand made and have imperfections, some bells can let off a harsh sound.
The difference between a Meditation Bell and a Singing Bowl – Meditation bells are played by a physical movement and are continually rung or swung back and forth to keep a continuous ringing sound. Singing Bowls are inverted and sit on a flat surface with no physical movement. The singing bowl is played when the rim is gently rubbed with a mallet in a circular motion. The main difference is the length of the tone. A bell has to be struck or rung several times to sustain a long tone, while a singing bowl can create continuous endless tone as long as the rim is being rubbed.
Gongs waves radiate out into the room bathing you in healing and rejuvenating sounds. These are known to enhance your meditation experience.
Wearing a Pendant that is a Cross, Hamsa, Evil Eye or Egyptian Ankh. Whether you are religious or not, these symbols hold great power and spiritual energy. You can wear it or carry it with you. Choose one that resonates with you.
Meditation via the use of a Candle – Candle meditation has been around for years and years. Fire is known to be hypnotic and can enter you into a trance-like state. During candle meditation the candle gives your mind a place to focus and rest.
Ways to ground yourself –
1. Spend time in nature – Go outside and breathe deeply, drawing the air all the way to your toes. Feel your feet on the Earth (ideally, it is best if you can walk around barefoot in the grass, so your feet have a direct connection to the Earth). Feel and smell the air, listen to the sounds, and look at the beauty around you. Touch tree branches as you pass. As you walk, feel each step. Notice how gravity holds you to the Earth.
2. Lay on the Earth – Go outside, into your yard or to a local park and lay down on your belly, with your chest against the Earth. Simply breathe and connect. Let the stress and anxiety flow out of your body and down into the Earth. Show and feel gratitude to Mother Earth for absorbing your mucky energy.
3. Consciously Breathe Deep –
a. Take long and slow deep breaths. Bring the breath in through your nose, gently, deeply, and slowly allowing your abdomen and lungs to expand with the in breath. Then hold your breath for a few moments before exhaling very slowly and gently through your nose. As you breathe, feel your body, and allow your energy to drop down through the soles of your feet, into the Earth. Show and feel gratitude to Mother Earth for absorbing your mucky energy.
b. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four. Gently hold your breath to the count of seven. Slowly release the breath through your nose to the count of eight. Repeat three more times (more if necessary).
4. Root Yourself – Imagine roots growing down into the Earth from your feet. Send them into the ground, imagining them spreading wide and deep, intertwining with the soil and rocks, anchoring you deeply in the Earth like an ancient tree with roots as deep and wide below as the tree above the ground. Breathe deeply. Send any anxious, overwhelmed, or static energy down through your roots and into the Earth. Also, allow the Earth to nourish you, drawing energy and nutrients up through your roots and into your body. Breathe.
5. Feel Your Gravity – Simply pause and feel your body, noticing how you are being held to the Earth by the pull of Gravity. As you do, breathe deeply, and allow your excess energy to drop down into the ground.
6. Grounding Cord/Anchor – Bring your attention to the base of your spine and imagine a grounding cord that is wider than your hips dropping down from the base of your spine and into the Earth. Imagine your grounding cord as it moves deeper and deeper through the many layers until it reaches the center/core of the Earth. Once there, imagine anchoring your cord at the center of the Earth, like a ship anchor. Feel how you are connected to and supported by the Earth. Next, send any stress, tension, worries, excess energy, etc. down through your grounding cord into the center of the Earth to be transmuted and released.
7. Play the Name What You See Game with Yourself – This is highly effective in bringing you into the present moment and calming racing thoughts and nervous energy. Focus on your environment and name what you see as you look around. Do this without qualifying or descriptive statements. Simply name the items. For example: “lamp, table, computer, candle, chair, cat, coaster, mug, pen, window, phone, television, clock…” If possible, say each item aloud. Continue for as long as needed to bring your mind and body into a calmer, more present state.
8. Ground through your Chakras – From a seated position, take a few slow, gentle breaths. Bring your attention to your Root Chakra, located at the base of your spine. Intend for your Root Chakra to open and connect with the ascending energy of the Earth. As you feel the energy begin to flow into your body, allow it to rise gently and slowly up along your energy channel/spine. Feel each chakra relax and open as the energy moves into them one at a time. Once the energy reaches your Crown Chakra, feel it open as the energy continues to rise and flow through your body. Take several minutes to feel the energy flowing along your energy channel. Next, focus on your Crown Chakra, and connect with the descending energy flowing from the universe. Allow it to flow into your body, moving slowly down through each chakra. Once it reaches your Root Chakra, allow the energy to continue flowing down and into the Earth. Feel the ascending and descending energies flowing simultaneously along your energy channel.
Note: Your body may begin to sway or rock a bit during this practice. Allow it. You may also notice a relaxation of the spine.
9. Connect with Your Body – There are a few ways to do this.
a. Body Scan – Consciously bring your attention to various parts of your body and feel them by noticing sensations at each point. Begin with your feet, then move to your ankles, calves, knees, and continue up your body until you come to your head. Take several moments at each point. If it helps, you can close your eyes as you focus on each part of your body, or actively look at each part as you focus there.
b. Movement – Physical movement and exercise are effective ways to get present and connected in your body. Go outside to walk, run, or hike. Take yoga, Qi Gong, or Tai Chi class. Dance.
c. Pat Method – Pat your body using a soft, gently rhythm. Breathe slowly and deeply as you do this. Cup your hands and gently tap around your head. Next with an open palm, pat up and down along each arm. With both hands, pat your upper chest, lower chest, then your abdomen. Bending slightly forward, gently pat your lower back, hips, and buttocks. Next, pat your legs, move down and then back up again. Pat your hips and then gently pat your abdomen several times.
10. Meditate – You can do this on your own in silence or listen to a grounding meditation. If you choose to listen, you can go with music that includes sounds of nature, a specific Hz frequency, or a guided meditation. Utilize a meditation method that resonates with you.
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